Delicious New Snack Idea
Ants Go Marching Looking for a fun new snack idea to do at home? With a fun little tune to sing while you prepare. Try making “Ants on a Log”…
Practice Your Balance
Balancing To Music Play music and encourage your child to walk on a balance beam or tape line to the music, holding arms out as needed. This activity can be…
Sorting Out Objects
Sorting 2D & 3D Objects by Shape Gather a variety of 2D and 3D objects in different sizes and colors. Challenge children to sort shapes into separate baskets or piles.…
Making the First Day Back to School a Success
General Tips to Prepare for the First Day Talk with your child and encourage excitement to return to their friends, favorite teachers, and their fun filled days at school. If possible,…
Heart-warming Preschool Books About Family
Whether your child learns best through educational videos for kids or picture books, enjoying the scent and feel of books together has withstood the test of time. There is nothing…
Children’s Books About Respect That Teach a Lesson
Respect is an important lesson to teach children, especially when they are still young and impressionable. It’s important for children to respect their friends, teachers, parents, and even themselves! Otherwise,…
Free Learning Tools for Kids
As a parent and/or teacher, you no doubt want to provide quality education for your children. Believe it or not, there are hundreds of learning tools for kids of all…
Why Do Babies Stare? 5 Reasons Why
Is your baby staring at people, objects, or seemingly nothing at all? Perhaps you’ve thought it was weird that your baby won’t look away from a stranger’s face. Or perhaps…
Fun & Educational Things To Do From Home
With everyone spending less time in public, there are now many activities that can be enjoyed without leaving home. Below you will find a list of activities that we have…
Creative Expressions Activity
Look What I Can Make Drawing in preschool is not only an opportunity for children to develop creativity; it also supports their fine-motor skills, self-expression, communication, and pre-writing skills. As…