Exceptional Education
We Provide an Exceptional Education Every Fun-Filled Day!
See How Our Ascend Curriculum Prepares Children for Elementary School and Beyond

The Ascend Curriculum
Children don’t learn at the same pace or in the same way. The Ascend Curriculum offers a balance of structure & flexibility and enables our teachers to individualize instruction to accommodate the interests and learning styles of each student. Even our youngest students benefit from Ascend.
As the teachers work with a small group of students on an activity, other students are engaging in fun, hands-on lessons in learning centers throughout the classroom. This allows for personalized interactions between teachers and students. As a result, your child is engaged, supported, challenged, and having fun while independence and creativity soar.

The Ascend Curriculum combines skill-based learning across 9 different learning domains, including literacy, math, science, physical fitness, creative expression, social-emotional development, cultural understanding, technology and language.
- Learning is teacher-guided and intentionally planned through sequentially introduced activities.
- Teachers provide materials and activities designed to target growth in specific skills.
- Our skills-based curriculum is proven to help children think critically, learn to solve problems, and become more independent.
- With our skills-based curriculum, your child will enjoy play experiences that support skill acquisition to enhance Kindergarten readiness while still having fun.
- Children in our schools have the opportunity to experience success through small wins – building confidence and instilling a love of learning.
- We build confidence and independence through individualized instruction and by progressively introducing learning concepts.
- Our curriculum promotes creativity – by focusing on activities that allow children to create their own unique projects, we stimulate brain activity and encourage children to be creative.
- We teach patience and empathy through our Kind Child Culture and instill values like friendship, politeness and a positive self-image so every child feels comfortable and welcome.
- We use a combination of teacher-facilitated small-group activities and center-based play experiences, allowing for individualized lessons at various skill levels. This causes children to be more engaged and decreases problematic behaviors.
- We use developmentally appropriate process-based activities and multi-day projects to build skills that are important for success in elementary school and beyond.
- 2/3 of our students tested at an advanced readiness level for Kindergarten as a result of our skills-based curriculum.
The Ascend Curriculum was designed to make creativity soar, to make imaginations go wild and to set children up for a bright future with unlimited possibilities so they can lead an adventurous and fun life!

Additional Educational Options Available
Our Christian and faith-based schools use additional curricula. Pinnacle Curriculum is a faith-based curriculum designed to encourage children to develop their emerging skills in developmental areas while discovering & experiencing God’s love. Abeka Curriculum includes daily lessons in phonics, reading, math, science, foreign language, writing, music, art, & Bible lessons. A primary emphasis is also placed on your child’s positive social development. The message of God’s grace, love and forgiveness is the foundation of all learning in our faith-based schools.
We also offer Montessori, Reggio Emilia, and Private Kindergarten programs in some schools.