Recreate A Story

Children love to express themselves through creating their own art creations. A fun way to do this is by allowing them to recreate a story. Grab a book that your children love, read it aloud to them, and then ask them to recreate their own version of that story. Using whatever art utensils, you have available, encourage the children to draw their favorite part, their favorite character, an ending they would like, or anything else regarding the story. Once they are finished with their illustration, ask them about it. Ask them what they drew, who/what that is, what they/it is doing, etc. Write their story on their illustration. Allow them to create their own story with the illustration.

Age-appropriate Adaptations:

  • Two-year-olds—Use a book they are able to understand and put themselves into. Ask them to draw a picture of their favorite character or part of the story. Create conversation about what you just read so that they can remember and help guide them in their drawing. Encourage them to talk about their drawing and show you what is happening or details of their character.
  • Three-year-olds—Use a book they can relate to and put themselves into. Create conversation about what you just read in order for them to remember the events and story line of the book. This will help guide their drawing and add detailing to their creation. When talking about their drawing, ask about specifics in the illustration. What color dress is she wearing? What is he putting into his bag?
  • Four-/Five-year-olds—Use a book that they can continue on with. Create conversation about what you just read and ask them what they think will happen next? Encourage them to come up with their own ending or an alternative ending. Ask them to draw what happens next and who will be involved. When talking about their illustration, ask specifics like why certain characters are doing what they are doing.

Skills Supported: reading, language and literacy, self-expression, art and drawing, fine motor and communication