Back-to-School Prep [Readiness, Summer Ed,  & Supplies]

Parents' Corner | May 26, 2023

Ace back-to-school prep with this comprehensive guide from Cadence Education, and join us for this year’s top educational summer programs.

Signs Your Child is Not Ready for Kindergarten + Best Daycares

Parents' Corner | May 23, 2023

Debating the right time to start kindergarten? Here are signs your child is not ready for kindergarten and the top daycares to help them prep.

Early Childhood Inclusion [What It Is & Why It Matters]

Parents' Corner | May 18, 2023

Read on to learn more about early inclusion efforts and why they matter.

What is Universal Preschool? [Pros and Cons]

Preschool Activities | May 18, 2023

What are the pros and cons of universal preschool? This blog by Cadence Education explains.

5 Benefits of Afterschool Programs & What to Look For

Parents' Corner | May 15, 2023

The benefits of afterschool programs are innumerable and offer a unique opportunity for children. Read on for the top benefits of an excellent program.