Take A Virtual Trip!
Map reading can also help your child gain a larger perspective of the world they live in. When children learn about both their place of residence and other global destinations, they can begin to see that geography affects how people live. Explore the world from within your home with these Cultural Understanding activities.
Age-appropriate Adaptations:
- Two-year-olds—Talk with your child about where you live. Find the city or state where you live on a map or globe. What are some things that describe your city or state? Look at pictures of other places from around the world. How do those places look different from where you live? Can you find anything the places have in common?
- Three-year-olds—Odds are you have some family members that live in other places around the country or world. Discuss with your child where they live in relation to you. What things are similar between the two locations and what things are different? Consider calling or video conferencing with that family member and asking them to share what it’s like living in their different city or state.
- Four/Five-year-olds—As you talk about where you live, consider your specific neighborhood, city, county, state, country, and continent. How does your residence at each level affect the way in which you live? For example, how does the climate in your state differ from another state? What types of things can you do in your city versus another US city? How might living in a different country change daily life for your family?
Skills Supported: map reading, geography, global awareness, cultural understanding